Tuesday, September 2, 2008

NRCS Study Committee Releases Invasives Report

Damage to the economy of Indiana will be exponential if more is not done to identify and control invasive species, according to the Indiana Invasive Species Task Force appointed by the Indiana General Assembly in 2007.

Findings of the Task Force were presented to the Natural Resources Study Committee at a meeting of the committee on August 26, 2008 at the Indiana Dunes State Park Nature Center. Several NIIPN members attended the meeting, including Tom Anderson, Steve Barker and Susan MiHalo.

Following is the Executive Summary from the Task Force report, which is titled “At the Crossroads – Invasive Species in Indiana: Findings and Recommendations from the Indiana Invasive Species Task Force.” The complete 54-page report was e-mailed to all NIIPN members and should soon be placed on http://www.in.gov/legislative/interim/committee/nrsc.html. Thank you to Ellen Jacquart, Director of Stewardship at The Nature Conservancy, Indianapolis, IN, for providing the full report. She also led the efforts of the Task Force.

At the Crossroads – Invasive Species in Indiana: Findings and Recommendations from the Indiana Invasive Species Task Force

Indiana is the crossroads of America—our waterways, railroads, highways and other transportation facilities are some of the finest in the nation. That distinction as a hub of transportation and commerce means Indiana has more than its share of invasive species problems. Invasive species enter Indiana through both transportation and commerce, and the rate at which invasive species are entering Indiana is increasing rapidly. We are also at a crossroads in time; by taking action now, we can lessen the impact of invasive species to our economy and environment.

Invasive species harm our economy, environment, and human health in many ways. Just one invasive insect, the Asian soybean aphid, has significantly decreased soybean productivity in the US. In 2003 an estimated 300 million bushels were lost to this pest. With today’s soybean prices hovering at $15/bushel this translates into a loss valued at $4.5 billion nationally. There are dozens of invasive plants, aquatic species, insects, plant diseases, terrestrial animals, and animal diseases that threaten Indiana. Asian bush honeysuckle has invaded forests in every county in the state, significantly decreasing tree regeneration and growth. Hydrilla has invaded Lake Manitou in Fulton County, and if appropriate action is not taken it could spread to other waters and result in reduced aquatic biodiversity, recreational opportunities, and fish populations. Emerald Ash Borer is killing ash trees in northern and central Indiana, and will most likely be moved by people south to the vast forests of southern Indiana. Feral hogs are destroying crops and forested land in southern Indiana, potentially carrying brucellosis and pseudorabies, two diseases that have been eradicated in our domestic livestock but could be reintroduced by these animals.

In 2007, in response to the growing problem of invasive species, the Legislative Council of the Indiana General Assembly directed the Natural Resources Study Committee to investigate invasive species issues. Following the guidelines set forth in a resolution introduced in both houses, the Committee created an Invasive Species Task Force made up of individuals from a broad assortment of organizations and agencies with expertise in invasive species issues to provide findings and recommendations for the committee to consider in 2008. This document summarizes those findings and recommendations.

The most cost-effective way to address invasive species is to prevent them from reaching Indiana in the first place. If, despite prevention efforts, invasive species reach the state, early detection programs can help locate and eradicate those invasive species before they become widely established. If invasive species elude early detection and establish and spread in the state, control and management programs to monitor and minimize their negative impacts to the economy and environment will be necessary, but these efforts can be very costly. The sooner we act the more effective and less costly our efforts will be.

The current jurisdictional structure over invasive species in Indiana is basically sound; the Department of Natural Resources, Board of Animal Health, and Office of Indiana State Chemist work to address this important issue. However, communication and coordination between jurisdictional agencies and with affected parties is currently limited and has hampered the effectiveness and timeliness of invasive species efforts. Further, there is a lack of readily accessible information on the current location of invasive species in Indiana, a lack of coordinated outreach and education for the general public and for invasive species practitioners, and limited coordination with neighboring states. Resources dedicated to addressing invasive species in the state are extremely limited and there are inconsistencies in state agencies’ policies and procedures on invasive species. Some of the few existing statutes lack clarity which hampers their implementation.

The Invasive Species Task Force here proposes seven recommendations to address these shortcomings, which are further explained in Chapter 3:

1. Improve coordination and communication between agencies and affected stakeholders through creation of an Invasive Species Council. While many agencies and organizations are working on invasive species issues in Indiana, there is currently a need for better communication between them. The regulating agencies and affected stakeholders have few opportunities to discuss these issues, which has led to a lack of effective invasive species coordination, inventory and data management, prevention activities, early detection efforts, and control and management activities.

2. Develop and share information resources to target management in a cost-effective manner. Everyone agrees that prevention and early detection are the most cost-effective ways to address invasive species, but these strategies depend on knowing where invasive species are in Indiana and where they aren’t. Currently, there is no agency charged with gathering and maintaining data on invasive species in Indiana. The ISC will address this deficiency and establish a lead agency for each taxon (plants, insects and plant diseases, aquatics, animal diseases) to develop and maintain a unified data management system for Indiana.

3. Coordinate with other Midwest state governments as well as regional and federal agencies and other relevant organizations on common invasive species issues to increase consistency and effectiveness of programs. Invasive species don’t stop at Indiana borders, and neither should the communications about invasive species. The Invasive Species Council will reach out broadly to other Midwest states, regional groups, and federal agencies to find and import the best examples of prevention, early detection, and control of invasive species.

4. Work with agencies and organizations to coordinate a comprehensive education and outreach effort to share new information and best practices, including convening or supporting invasive species meetings. There are many entities in Indiana that have produced educational products on invasive species, but the products have not been disseminated well to the target audiences, and the lack of coordination between entities has resulted in the independent production of multiple similar products. The Invasive Species Council will coordinate what educational materials are needed, with what message for which audience, and what entity should produce them.

5. Improve the consistency and efficiency of state agencies’ invasive species policies and procedures. Given the many state agencies and their varied missions in Indiana, it is not surprising that there are inconsistencies in policies and practices on invasive species between them. In some cases, one state agency is actively working to eradicate or control an invasive species that other agencies have deliberately introduced. To assure wise use of state funds, the Invasive Species Council will provide a regular forum for reviewing current state agency policies and practices to identify ways to improve consistency and address any deficiencies.

6. Allocate appropriate resources to invasive species efforts to improve prevention, early detection, and control and management in Indiana in a cost-effective manner. There are four specific appropriations recommended; creating an Executive Director position for the Invasive Species Council, establishing an Emergency Invasive Response fund, creating a Terrestrial Invasive Species Coordinator position, and establishing a matching grant program to address invasive plant management across land boundaries in Indiana.

7. Amend statutory language to allow more effective implementation of invasive species regulations. Existing statute in Indiana allows the regulatory agencies – Department of Natural Resources, Board of Animal Health, and Office of Indiana State Chemist – to address invasive species in the state. A few changes and additions to statute will simplify implementation of the statutes.

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