Monday, June 16, 2008

Lyme Grass Invasion Noted

John Ervin, Regional Ecologist, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, recently discovered an invasion of Lyme Grass (Leymus arenarius (L.) Hochst.(= Elymus arenarius L.) on the shores of Lake Michigan. Areas in which an invasion has been found to date includes Ogden Dunes; and in Whiting just east of Whiting Park and at Whihala Beach County Park.

While this ornamental grass is not noted federally as an invasive species, the State of Wisconsin is very concerned about an invasion in that state, where it appears to be spreading quickly and outcompeting native flora. Following is a link to Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources information about this grass:

According to John, this grass can be distinguished from Marram Grass by its height, which is around 4 feet; and it currently has green seed heads, whereas the Marram Grass has brown seed heads.

John is currently surveying areas for invasions and is planning a control campaign later this summer to help stem the invasion.

Please let John know if you have an invasion of this plant on your shoreline area.
(Thanks to Noel Pavlovic for this photo. He also found Lyme Grass back in 2004 in Miller.)


S Mihalo said...

Sandy O'Brien and Carol Cook both indicated today that an invasion was found in Dune Acres several years ago. Sandy seems to believe it is under control.

Mary Ann Crayton said...

I will verify that it has been destroyed. It was planted as an ornamental on a residents property.

S Mihalo said...

John Ervin spoke with Gerould Wilhelm, Conservation Design Forum, Elmhurst, IL, about the Lyme Grass on our lakefront. Wilhelm has indicated that this plant, no matter that it may be native to the Great Lakes or a non-native, has the potential to destroy the ecology and structure of our dunes. According to Wilhelm, its clumping nature promotes greater erosion, and it will prevent foredune species from getting established.

John Ervin would like to establish some baseline information on this invasion, such as locations (GPS-preferred) and the depth of its establishment, such as how many seedheads are present. He plans on using a wetland-based Glyphosate, along with Deluxe Surfactant, later this summer and into the fall to control populations under his purview.

John would also not mind any phone calls. He can be reached at 219) 309-7567.

S. Martinson said...

This place is selling it

North Creek Nurseries, Inc.
388 North Creek Rd.
Landenberg, PA 19350

Toll Free 877-326-7584
Fax: 610-255-4762

To order:
For Information:

S Mihalo said...

Christine Gerlach replied with this email: I have printed out several pictures of the culprit and their characteristics that I plan to share with fellow interpretive staff: Jamie, Becky, JP, Kip, Cliff, Ted, Julie, Gail, Anna, Warren, Dave, Kelli and Zack. We are the ones out in the field We will let you know if and when and where we see it. I will be at WB every Friday on the lookout.

I hope it is never there for me to see!

I highly suggest that you contact Brian Forist, lead naturalist at the Indiana Dunes Environmental Learning Center, or maybe even Brian Scott, one of his lead naturalists and request that his staff of naturalists also learn and report back on sightings. They go out to Cowles Bog almost weekly, less so in the summer, but still have the potential to be around the foredunes. They are at CB every T and R in the fall.

Christine Gerlach,
Education Specialist
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
(219) 395-1885

S Mihalo said...

John Ervin described this control method in a email discussing plans to control a population on the Whiting BP shoreline. They herbicided beginning July 15 by using a 5% (product) dilution of Razor with a 1% addition of Delux surfactant; both are labeled for wetland application.

Two people should lead the treatment by removing the seed heads, bagging them, and removing them from the site. The sprayers then follow with an application that will thoroughly wet the plants without runoff. All sprayers should be briefed and monitored for target specificity.